11 Jul 07: This fellow has gone bonkers! >.< What a way to travel?! "Kent Couch tied 105 balloons to his lawn chair and soared into the sky." http://www.yahoo.com/s/624052
2 Jul 07: Maple Story is so cute... and addictive! haha... meet your doom, u cute little snails and orange hopping mushrooms!! I need more mushroom caps!! Ahahahha!! 28 Jun 07: Quote from the director of Grizzly Man, Werner Herzog: "And what haunts me, is that in all the faces of all the bears that Treadwell ever filmed, I discover no kinship, no understanding, no mercy. I see only the overwhelming indifference of nature. To me, there is no such thing as a secret world of the bears. And this blank stare speaks only of a half-bored interest in food. But for Timothy Treadwell, this bear was a friend, a savior."
27 Jun 07: Just finished watching the Discovery documentary "Grizzly Man"... Oh man, I feel so sad... What lies behind the morbid irony, or perhaps even a mockery, "Who says we great big bears need protection from you? Growl! Munch!"... is the story of an extraordinary man with extreme passion and fascination for the world of grizzly bears. Fatal attraction...
26 Jun 07: Threading hurts! Ouch... I should seriously consider IPL.
Trivia on The Little Red Dot
Life here is... well, interesting in its own way. For one, you have got to walk fast. If you are just 1 step slower, sorry we will trample over you. Haha, nay, I'm just kidding! But this recent study does speak volumes about the Singaporean way of life:
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